Tuesday, July 9, 2013

We have a winner

This morning while pumping iron at the gym, Gareth smsed with the simple message "WE HAVE A WINNER!" Exciting times and a bit congratulations to Danielle who has purchased our 10000th item on Etsy. Here is to the next 10000 sales!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Able And Game's 10000th Sale On Etsy - A Big Prize To Be Won!

Our 10000th sale has crept up on us and we realised we better get our wheels into action and sort out things like prizes and the like. So to celebrate, whoever buys our 10000th item will be winning a big pile of Able and Game cards, in fact the pile is so big it will last you a year. Yes a year's worth of greeting cards. We plugged numbers into the calculator and decided that this was 2 cards per week, a total of 104 cards. Pretty soon you will be known as Greety because you give out so many cards. The 10000th item purchased sale person (or TIPSP for short) will get to choose the cards, or we can help chose the cards because it will be a big decision, 104 big decisions. The TIPSP will also get a years worth of Able and Game tea towels. As we have 12 designs that is one for each month of the year. Image how dry your dishes will be! Super dry!

We are currently on 9927 sales, so not long to go now! You can visit our Etsy shop right here.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

New Tea Towel - Butter Beats Everything

This tea towel came about from our recent trip to Paris. Our plan for our week's holiday was to go somewhere we could happily wander around and to go somewhere with good food. Paris seemed to tick both boxes, although we had both been there before we wanted to enjoy the city rather than do the usual touristy things.

Each morning I would pop to our local bakery to pick up some bread, and often cake. Cake for breakfast? Why not. We had lots of different things on our bread but each time we went back to the butter we realised it was the best thing ever. So we came up with this tea towel in honor of the yellow stuff.

Below is a shot of our breakfast one morning on a little makeshift table I made. The butter got a good working over!