Gareth and I went to the opening of Ears 'Head Space' exhibition at No Vacancy Project Space at Federation Square last week. It was a cold night and by the time we rocked up there wasn't any booze left but there was some pretty amazing art on display. You can view some of the artworks from the exhibition on his website here, my favourite was Zoo Rock and the one from the postcard I've stuck up on my wall in the photo above. As I've said many times I was a bit of a Brett Whiteley Fan Girl as a teenager, so anything remotely Whiteleyesque gets my tick of approval.
The exhibitions runs till this Sunday and the gallery is situated right in front of where our Markit stall will be, so come and have a look on Sunday and then say hello to us at Markit. I think Fed Square will be buzzing with arty goodness on Sunday as there is also the NGV's 150th Birthday Celebrations happening. So put on your prettiest winter coat and scarf and head into the city for some arty love!