We have a bit of a sneak peek of our two new tea towel designs. We just got them back from the printer this morning and I've spent the afternoon getting them all packed up for Finders Keepers Brisbane and my suitcase is full to the brim. The designs we chose (and boy was it hard to decide) were "I love you just the way I am" (affectionately known as fat cat to Gareth and I) and "I don't have a lazy eye I was trying to wink at you". I did a resign for the lazy eye card because I couldn't decide if the boy or the girl would make it onto the tea towel and I ended up drawing about 24 different winking faces. It was a taxing afternoon coming up with all these different people but I'm super happy with the result. I've given Gareth some for Rose Street Market and they will be up on Etsy next week. Now I have designed these two, I cannot wait to design some more. I think I will aim to get new designs out every few months.