Over the years we have had a few friends fall of bikes so decided it was time to make a specific card. Since I started riding around in Melbourne I'm yet to fall off my bike, except if you count the time 8 years ago when I was out the front of the pub on the corner of Alexandra Pde and Wellington and fell over while I was stationary. It was 2am, yet there was still many cars around to witness my embarrassment. This luck in lack of falls hasn't always been with me and when I lived in Belgium for a year I had two falls and both involved tram tracks. I also had a fall when, as a teenager, I rode down a steep hill attempting a maneuver that involved a foot on the handlebars and the other on the seat and no hands. Surprisingly I met the bitumen.
As with all our sorry cards hopefully nobody ever has any need for it, total wishful thinking on our part. I'm also hoping my luck with falling doesn't run out, if you're in a car remember to check your side mirror before opening the door because I fear a dooring like you wouldn't believe. The card is available on Etsy, and if you can tell me where the cat helmets are available, I'll be very happy.