Gareth and I are back from our month overseas, back into the cold but loving embrace of Melbourne. Not that we had some kind of crazy summer extravaganza while we were away, tights were always worn, rain jackets mandatory and 20 degrees a rare treat. We did have some lovely Scottish sunshine the week before we left and with the sun setting around 10.30pm at night, it is making Melbourne seem like some kind of dungeon. Winter however has its perks so we are not complaining, merely observing the difference.
We took loads of dorky travel selfies like the one above (Arc De Triomphe!), had lots of fun family time and did a trade show in London, so it was one of those we need a holiday from our holiday type of trips. We also ate far too much food in Paris (cake for breakfast? Why not), learnt about the pleasure that is french wine ate some pretty rubbish (Gareth loves it) Scottish food. Yes, we had deep fried pizza and Gareth spoke about 'flavour profiles' while eating it.
Now we are back in the office, working hard on all the new products we need to get finished including new cards (Father's Day), new calendar designs for 2014 and new tea towels (the first will be one that is totally inspired by the food we ate in Paris). We are also bunking down, cooking soup, turning the couch into a boat and watching our shows to recover from the holiday.